How to: Corner to Corner Crochet Herringbone Blanket (FREE Pattern)

Lately, I’ve been thinking about a beautiful corner to corner (C2C) blanket in greys and teal in a lovely herringbone pattern. I found some beautiful colours at Michael’s in my favourite yarn, Loops & Threads Impeccable. If you’ve never done C2C before, then the beginner tutorial was introduced in this post and then we discussed how to read a chart in this post.

In order to make this an easy level pattern, we’re going to work the chart, below, in panels, from the bottom left teal triangle, working our way vertically up each panel of the chart.

The colour pattern is as follows: teal, white, light grey, white, then dark grey. Then we do white, light grey, and white again before starting again with teal. So we will use the white, light grey, & white, to separate, then alternate the dk grey and the teal sections.

Of course you can choose to do whichever sections you’d like with whatever colours you choose! This is more of a tutorial for how to attach the sections together to make them look professional.

Starting with panel 2, we’ll come back down to the bottom, with a white triangle, and attach as we go to the first panel, following the chart for colours. Finally, we’ll begin panel 3, again from the bottom of the chart attaching to panel 2 as we work along this panel.

To make this blanket, I used a large ball of Red Heart Comfort White, 1 large ball of Red Heart Comfort in Heather Grey. I also used 2 balls each of Loops & threads Impeccable in Teal and Thunder.

Using the chart below, follow the colours, and the tutorial below for for how to attach each panel together.

Herringbone C2C Chart


Starting block: chain 5, dc into the third chain from your hook, and the next 2 chains.

Working blocks: chain 2, dc 3 over the chains at the side of the previous block. Slip stitch to the edge of the next block.

Decrease block: slip stitch across to the corner, make a working block.

Tip: Cut your yarn at the end of each colour and weave in the ends as you go. There will be a lot of ends, but changing colours and bringing along the yarn, without it being visible, has not been found. So, trust me, just cut it and weave them in.

Panel 1:

Begin with the bottom left of the chart, work 8 rows, increasing on both sides, until you have a triangle with 8 blocks in the last row. (Shown as the lower left Teal triangle in the chart)

Block 2 begins by changing to white, work 1 starting block, at the beginning of the row, and 7 working blocks across the row. Decrease at the end of the row by slip stitching across the edge of the block. Then begin with a working block as the first block on row 3 of the white section.

Continue working with 8 blocks on each row, increasing on the right, and decreasing on the left so the rows are all the same. You will be flipping back and forth so just make sure you’re always increasing on one side, and decreasing on the other, along this panel. After 8 rows, switch colours to the one above the one you just finished according to the chart.

Continue following your colour changes for this first panel, working 8 rows of each colour, until you reach your desired length. Once you see the pattern for the colours, the sky is the limit for the size.

When you reach desired length, also at the end of a colour change, pick up a new colour again, and now begin decreasing on both sides to square off the corner.

Panel 2

This panel we will be working each row and attaching to panel one, which will be on the left side of this new panel.

Using white, insert your hook into the corner of the initial square and draw up a loop. Now chain 5 and make a starting block, turn it and attach to the top of the first block from the first panel.

Now, for Row 2, chain 2, slip stitch to the top of the next block of panel 1, then chain 2 again, turn and finish as a working block, with 3 dc over the initial 2 chains, and a slip stitch to the corner of block 1. Finish with another working block on the other side of the block from row 1.

Row 3 begins with a starting block, and 2 working blocks, slip stitching to the block at the side of panel 1 at the end of the row. This row will repeat for each row working towards panel 1. Once we get to 8 blocks on the row, the side away from panel 1 will continue the increases, and the side against panel 1 is the decrease side.

Row 4, will be the same as row 2, as will each row when working away from panel 1. So chain 2, slip stitch to the block on panel 1, chain 2, turn and dc 3 over the first 2 chains. Slip stitch to the last block from the row before and continue with working blocks to the end of the row.

Repeat rows 3 & 4 until you have 8 blocks on the row. Change colours and maintain 8 blocks on each row, or 8 rows for each colour change.

When you get to the end of Panel 2, switch colours 1 more time, and begin decreasing at the end of the row, working away from panel 1, to square off the end.

Panel 3

For this panel, the herringbone shape is going to angle away from panel 2.

Begin with light grey, per the above chart. and make 7 rows independent of the first 2 panels, increasing on both sides.

For row 8, chain 3, slip stitch to the first block at the bottom of panel 2, now, chain 2 again, and slip stitch to the other side of the block from panel 2 (similar to what we did for panel 2 to attach to panel 1).

Now, turn and dc 3 into the first 3 chains. Finally, slip stitch to the last stitch from the last block of row 7.

Continue working along row 8 to the other end. After the last increase block, change colours according to the chart, in this case switching to white.

For row 1 with white, start with a starting block. Work back down the row towards panel 2, and for the last block, chain 2, double crochet 3 into the block, and slip stitch to the corner of the next block in panel 2. slip stitch across the top of the white block, then slip stitch to the next corner.

To start the next row, chain 2, slip stitch to the top of the next block, turn and dc 3 into the side of the last block. slip stitch and continue.

Repeat each time you are working along panel 2, for each row and colour of the above chart.

Continue working the chart above, and switching between from panel 2 and panel 3 as you work each panel.

I would love to see your version of this herringbone blanket! Please tag us in your pics on Instagram, or post on our Facebook group. We also have the ad free PDF in our shop

Thank you so much for learning with us!

Much Love,

Amanda signature

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