Day 19: How to Knit Waffle Stitch (Easy Level)

Hey, and welcome back to #30stitchesin30days! If you’ve been following along, I’ve missed several days, because I ran a restart for an update and my laptop wouldn’t finish the start-up!!! It was awful so I ended up taking it in to Geek Squad since I’m a member, and they said it would take 24-48 hours to fix, but at the end of the 48, they told me they needed another 48 hours. So, I lost basically 5 days of editing and working on the blog posts and everything. So sad, in the middle of this challenge, but I hope you’re sticking with me and we’re back to finish off the series.

Today, we’re doing a super simple waffle stitch! Its so simple when you see it below, you’ll completely understand why. Let’s jump in!

Day 19: Waffle Stitch (Easy Level, 4 row repeat)

Cast On: Multiples of 3, + 1


Row 1 (Right Side): Knit All

Row 2 (Wrong Side): Purl All

Row 3: * K1, P2 *, K1

Row 4: P1, * K2, P1 *


Row 1: Knit All

Row 2: Knit All

Row 3: * K1, P2 *, K1

Row 4: * K1, P2 *, K1

My favourite thing is to imagine what I can make with each stitch, so tell me, what do you want to make with this one? I love the more masculine look for this one and I’d love to see it in a men’s scarf, in a beautiful navy or charcoal colour. Comment below and tell me what you’re planning to make with this stitch!

And, then when you make it, tag us on Instagram! @purple.rose.crafts

Much Love,

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