Today’s post and video are showing how to create this fun and easy mock cable knitted design! It’s so much fun!
To do this technique, we’re going to learn how to knit our stitches out of order. meaning to make the mock cable, we’re going to first knit the second stitch on our needle through the back of the loop(see image below), then the first one normally, before slipping them both off the left needle.

Pattern for these pretty leaves:
Day 21: Twisted Mock Cables (Easy 8 Row Repeat)
Multiples of 6 stitches
Row 1: p1, *Knit 4, purl 2*.
Row 2(and all Even rows going forward): k, *purl 4, k2*.
Row 3: knit the second stitch on your needle first through the back loop, but don’t loop it off your needle, then knit the first stitch, through the front loop, lift both off your left needle. K2, p2.
Row 5: k, knit the(current) second stitch on the needle, then the first stitch, k1, p2.
Row 7: k2, knit the (current) second stitch on the needle, purl 2.
Repeat Rows 1-7
I’d love to see this one as a scarf or blanket, even as an accent on the back of some mittens!
What will you be making with this stitch pattern? Comment below!
Thanks so much for learning with us!
Much Love,