Day 22: How to Knit Garter Rib (Easy Level)

Hey, today’s post and video are this super easy and very beginner friendly Garter Rib Stitch. Its so easy, with 4 stitches, +2 as our repeat, and 2 rows, but 1 is just knit all the way across. Super easy! Let’s jump in!

Day 23: Garter Rib (Beginner Level – 2 Row Repeat)

Multiples of 4, plus 2


Row 1 (Right Side): Knit All

Row 2 (Wrong Side): P2, * K2, P2 *


Row 1 (Right Side): Knit All

Row 2: * K2, P2 *, K2

Watch the video to see this quick one!

I think this stitch is a great masculine stitch, perfect for a scarf or hat pattern suitable for a man. I think so much of knitting is very pretty and feminine, but this one Thanks for joining me today to learn this fun stitch pattern!

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