Today, we’re discussing this simple and easy knit pattern called hurdle stitch. Its a fun combination of knits and purls, and is easily beginner-friendly. Its a simple 4 row repeat, but is really only 2 rows, but you do each twice! Try it out on a scarf or a fun texture for a pillow or blanket. What do you want to use this stitch for?

Day 23: Hurdle Stitch Pattern (Easy 4 Row Repeat)
Cast On: Multiples of 2
Row 1 (Right Side): Knit All
Row 2 (Wrong Side): Knit All
Row 3: * K1, P1 *
Row 4: * K1, P1 *
Row 1 (Right Side): Knit All
Row 2: Purl All
Row 3: * K1, P1 *
Row 4: * K1, P1 *
I hope you’re enjoying this series! Jump to the home page and check out some of the others! I’m working on patterns for each as well, but they’ll take some time!
Much Love,